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Hi, I’m Kate Van Vliet and I was a student at Mind Body Goal (MBG) in 2018 while I underwent the HSC at Loreto Kirribilli. While at MBG I benefitted from individual one on one sessions with Kate as well as tutoring for English and Math’s and I cannot underestimate just how much MBG and their amazing team assisted me during and after the HSC process.


The HSC was incredibly daunting for me but with the help of Kate, Andy and their team I was able to not only raise my grades and eventually score an ATAR of 98.65 that I was elated with, but also to raise my self-confidence which was holding me back. MBG’s holistic approach towards study including targeting all aspects of your health and wellness is unique and was incredibly helpful for me during the HSC.


I benefitted from advice about how study shouldn’t be everything and you need to learn to balance it with eating healthily and pursuing other interests including sport. This approach and the support I received helped lift a lot of stress off my family as well in this time because they knew I was being well taken care of in terms of my study, nutrition and organisation.


The range of people, the comforting and open space, the welcoming atmosphere and Andy’s amazing cooking, all combine to make MBG a wonderful environment for tutoring, group study and one on one sessions. MBG also provides very helpful assistance for post the HSC and Kate and Andy offer great advice on universities and courses that were invaluable to me in choosing to attend Australian National University in 2020.


My family have so much faith in MBG that my siblings have also started at MBG during their HSC study. As a result, I can very highly recommend MBG to any Year 11 or 12 student in need of study assistance, tutoring or just general academic support.

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Kate ensured that each of her students understood the fundamentals of writing in the various formats, understood what the HSC questions would be asking and what they seeking to assess from the student based on the question type. Kate marked her own trial exams more rigorously than what they would likely experience under actual conditions.


I recall Stella being a little despondent about these trial results. When Kate explained her method, we were able to support Kate in managing Stella's thinking and expectations. As a result Stella achieved a 94.3 TE Score doing pure arts & humanities – the highest her school has achieved from a pure arts student – (yes, we like to brag about this result for many reasons!).


Anyway, as Kate was sharpening the thinking and extending the goal posts to have her students find the HSC exam day easier than their trial exams with Kate, the amazing Andy was nourishing their appetites with the most amazing range of meals (we were lucky to be the beneficiaries of gorgeous leftovers, cheekily asking when Andy might be baking any of our favourite left over dishes!!!) SO, a very big THANKYOU to Kate & Andy for preparing Stella not only for her TE Score and conditioning her for exam environments but also preparing her for Uni / tertiary environments.

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