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Fees & Enrolment 

Mind, Body & Goal (MBG) provides personalised mentor support, expertise and guidance for young people as they pursue their goals. For many school students, the aim is to achieve an ATAR score for entry to a clearly determined tertiary study goal. For others it’s about balancing study with the demanding training or rehearsal schedule of an elite athlete or performer. And for some with a less clearly delineated path it's simply about optimising results & experiences to maximise choices for the future. We know the system and we’ve got your back. Together, we establish a clear set of short, medium and long-term goals and work consistently and collaboratively on the best pathway to achieve them.

MBG’s personalised mentoring program includes access to tools we've developed to give students the skills to refine their daily time management. Other services we provide include:

  • Subject-specific tutoring 

  • Online marking 

  • Mock exams

  • Supervised study group

  • Presentation & leadership skills

  • College & scholarship preparation  

  • UAC & UCAS application

  • Interview preparation – college, post graduate studies, internships.

The starting point is an Initial Consultation or audit, conducted one-on-one with the student to assess their current position and secure information on which a recommended program will be based. It’s a process usually taking around 1.5 to 2 hours to complete, conducted in your home. The cost for the Initial Consultation is $600 (plus GST), and includes a comprehensive written report and a forward program recommendation, with several options for your consideration. Beyond this, the monthly MBG mentor program fee is $400 (plus GST) and includes e-mentoring (24/7 - as required), a minimum 1 x 1 hour face-to-face session per month (usually more) to fine-tune the student's program, and access to our mentor-monitored student electronic timetable to be used to drive an ideal and healthy work/life/performance balance based on agreed short, medium and long-term goals.  


We are very much about 'fit body-fit mind'. Our Director of Physical Fitness conducts an individual physical assessment of all students as part of the Initial Consultation process and fee. A further written report is provided, outlining the student's current aerobic fitness/core strength/flexibility, noting any anatomical or nutritional issues, and including a forward program recommendation to establish a sound (DIY) daily exercise regime for the current school term. 


Students requiring assistance in a particular subject area are matched with a specialist tutor. If required, weekly or fortnightly tutorials can be scheduled with our tutors on a term by term basis in your home. Student progress is monitored at the conclusion of each term. Tutorial rates range from $80 and $120 per hour, depending on subject and tutor seniority. Many of our students include English tutorials in their program as this assistance, particularly in essay structure, textual analysis and inclusion of evidence in extended response work, builds skills that are applicable across a variety of subjects and courses. 


MBG offers Group Study sessions at its Clontarf base. These sessions are conducted four times weekly - Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday's between 4pm and 9pm - as well as on Sundays from 12:30 to 5:30pm.  Students register on a per term basis, attending one or multiple sessions weekly.  

We also run Holiday study programs for our senior students (Years 11 and 12) and conduct Mock exams in core subjects for our YR 12 cohort each year, in the holidays prior to Trials and again before Finals. 


Monthly invoicing is conducted in arrears and covers all services provided for the preceding month, with 7-day payment terms. Siblings of current students are offered a 10% discount.

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