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About us

Mind, Body & Goal is a small consultancy offering personalised mentoring and tutorial services designed to assist young people to plan effectively, proactively put their plans to action, and achieve their goals across a broad spectrum of interests - from academic & sporting, to community service and the arts. Predominantly, we work with young people preparing to excel in the IB & HSC. However, we also assist students pursuing specific elite sports, sitting SATs, ACTs & UMAT exams, and others readying themselves for post graduate studies. 


Our students range from Year 7 to university level and their passions span the academic, sporting, musical and dramatic arenas. We are a diverse family!

Our Teachers  

Our team of experienced mentors and tutors have themselves achieved outstanding ATARs and have gone on to undergraduate studies at some of the world's leading institutions, including The University of Sydney, Melbourne University, UNSW and Oxford University. Kate Lazar is the Director of Studies and head Mentor at MBG.


We are keen proponents of a balanced approach - fit body, fit mind - that includes fresh air & exercise, a nutritious diet and adequate sleep every day so that our students are physically prepared to improve their performance, academic or other. The MBG team also includes a specialist physical fitness consultant, a nutritionist, an Educational Psychologist and a Careers Advisor, if or when the need for such direct inputs are considered appropriate.


The foundation stone of the MBG Mentor Program is the online MBG student schedule which is essentially a secure, two-way planning tool, specifically tailored to maximise individual performance directly in line with an agreed set of personalised student goals, laying out a well-balanced and effective use of the students' daily time, hour by hour. It is also a two-way communications tool between the student and their MBG mentor where student enquiries on all matters are answered efficiently, and advice provided with expedience. The Mentor Program also includes a monthly one-on-one session with your Mentor, usually an hour, to review immediate past performance, put detail to a forward plan for the next month, and fine-tune all elements of the students daily routine.

Our Process

The process starts with an Initial Consultation, which is a one-on-one session with the student designed to identify long, medium and short term personal goals, gain an understanding of where the student has come from and how they see their future, highlighting strengths and uncovering any areas that may require particular focus. This is usually a 1 1/2 to 2 hour 'one-on-one', scheduled to take place in your home  - after school or on the weekend, as mutually convenient.


Following this consultation we prepare a written report with recommendations for an ideal course of action going forward.  This may include recommendations ranging from suggestions to improve a students daily personal wellbeing, to their subject selection at school, vocation/career direction advice and appropriate courses for tertiary study, the college application process, GAP year programs, leadership opportunities and any recommendations we may make on any immediate subject-specific tutoring needs. In all instances, we will recommend enrolment in our core product, MBG's Mentor Program.

Leaders in the corporate sector have long recognised the need to set well considered goals, optimise their time and master the craft of presentation in order to succeed. In today’s rapidly advancing world it is imperative to develop these skills in the early stages of a student’s career. In essence, Mind, Body and Goal is management consultancy for young people preparing to make their mark in the 21st century.


Kate Lazar, Director 
BADipEd, MEdLship

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