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Working smarter to improve performance.
MBG is a Sydney based business that includes a team of HSC, IB, tertiary study and careers advisors. 
We provide personalised mentoring and coaching, combining home visits with an interactive online platform that allows students to be fully supported 24/7.
We design and implement strategies for goal setting and achieving, with a focus on all arenas of life, not just academics. From sport, to acting to art to personal development, MBG boasts a holistic outlook.





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MBG promotes a holistic approach - individualised programs that include goal setting, face-to-face education, 24/7 IB and HSC support, weekly and holiday study programs, and access to a team of experienced tutors, mentors and teachers.

AND, don't forget! We have our very own chef catering our group sessions. Gourmet breakfast, afternoon-tea, lunch, dinner and dessert are all provided. Every day features a fresh gourmet menu. We cater to all special dietary requirements.

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Of 56 Year 12 MBG students:

  • Highest individual ATAR of 99.6

  • 26% of the cohort scored an ATAR of over 95

  • 52% of the cohort scored an ATAR of over 90

  • 95% of the cohort scored an ATAR of over 80

  • 20% of the cohort secured 'early-entry' offers to Australian Universities 


Are you morphing into an HSC/IB ghoul? It’s important to remember to maintain a balanced lifestyle for long term gain. Here are MBG’s top tips for success:

  1. Stick to your SLEEP schedule (Sleep, Learn, Eat, Exercise, Play)

  2. Wake up early to maximise the day

  3. Set realistic goals

  4. Keep physically active for mental clarity (minimum 30 minutes a day)

  5. Avoid sugary snacks as they will cause long term energy slumps

  6. Incorporate practice papers in exam conditions into your study schedule

  7. Remember to prioritise tasks 

  8. Let your parents know what you’re up to – they might be able to help!

  9. Use your evenings for downtime and socialising!

  10. Go to sleep early – you need the energy



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